swim students smiling in the pool

7 Ways the use of Management Software can Enhance Student Safety

Keeping students safe at your swim school, gym, or dance studio is the most important thing you can do. When parents know their child can join a weekly class where they have fun while being safe, it’s a no-brainer for parents to register them for classes at your youth activity center.

Chances are, you have safety procedures and processes in place but having class management software at your youth activity center is another way you can enhance student safety to create a positive experience for everyone involved. Keep reading for some new ideas on how you can keep your students safe with things like live-streaming classes and tracking attendance. 

How does class management software help with safety and security?

Whether parents are sitting in the lobby waiting for their child to finish class, tuning into a live stream of their child in class from the parking lot, or dropping them off in class while they run errands, your program and how you manage it offers a peace-of-mind that is truly priceless for parents.

Being able to swiftly access real-time reports of which students are in the building and important information about them like any allergies or medical concerns is something that can’t be accomplished efficiently without technology. This is just one of many examples that demonstrate how management software makes student safety easy to prioritize for your entire program.

Ready to get to the good part? Get started with class management software today so you can focus on student safety with ease tomorrow. 

Open your free Jackrabbit Class account now!

7 Jackrabbit Class Features That Support Student Safety

Still not quite sure how impactful management software can be on your student safety and security efforts? Let’s take a look at seven ways Jackrabbit Class can help you put safety first and ensure parents that you and your team have an effective safety plan for students.

Family Communication and Engagement

Everyone has their preferred method of communication and when it comes to parents whose students are enrolled in your gym, swim school, or dance studio – it’s no different. But Jackrabbit Class has them all covered!

In addition to calling parents at the contact number provided (and stored in your management software), email, texting, push notifications through a mobile app, and portal login messages are various ways you can communicate with one or more families. Oftentimes, using multiple channels simultaneously is the best way to get important information out to ensure the message is seen in a timely manner.

If there’s a need for two-way communication with a family or a group of parents, the mobile app also has the option for group chat. Within this messaging platform, all parties can chat back and forth, as well as include any images, files, or videos needed. 

Live Streaming Classes

Whether you’ve implemented Spot TV to offer live streaming as a way to meet SafeSport guidelines or you’re using it as a way to engage families through a virtual viewing area, it’s a great way for parents to have a direct view of their child during class time and eliminate any potential safety concerns they have. It’s a win for everyone because parents have visibility to ease their minds and students aren’t distracted by in-class spectators. 

If you aren’t familiar with Spot TV, they are the industry’s #1 streaming service for youth activities with security features like:

  • Password-protected viewing based on class enrollment
  • Control of camera groups and viewing time
  • Stream shield protection that detects and prevents screenshots and screen recording

Recording Important Student Details

Having a place to add and store important documents, information, and notes on a student is vital to ensuring their safety while they are at your facility. Keywords, tags, user IDs, and date/time stamps make it easy to search for the information across all resources or notes quickly!

From incident reports to a doctor’s release or allergy and medication information, you never know when you will need to refer back to an uploaded document or internal note for immediate reference. And speaking of allergies and medication, this information is also available for instructors to see when they are taking attendance in class, keeping everyone prepared accordingly.

Real-Time Attendance Tracking

Having a detailed list of students who are in your facility is an enhanced safety measure in the event of an emergency. Furthermore, the Staff Portal allows coaches and instructors to take attendance electronically from a smartphone or tablet while teaching the class. 

Any child that has allergies or medical information will have an icon next to their name so instructors know to view more details. Also, if there’s a need for an instructor to communicate with parents from the gym, studio, or pool, they can email an update to parents right away to make sure they keep parents informed of incidents or concerns.

Whether your team takes advantage of the instructor-led attendance method through the Staff Portal or you offer Self Check-in stations throughout your lobby for parents to sign students in upon arrival, your office staff can always reference who is present and who missed class at any given time and know the information is accurate. 

Customized and Informative Program Policies

You may not realize it but your program’s policies are a form of communication with new and existing families. It’s a great opportunity to set the expectations for what your safety protocols are and how you plan to communicate with parents individually or as a large group in the event there is an incident. With the ability to have varying policies from class to class or session to session with Jackrabbit, you can make sure your policies are as specific as necessary!

Employee Background Screening

When hiring staff to work in your youth activity center, it’s important to pre-screen applicants and re-screen employees as part of your due diligence in keeping students within your program safe. Jackrabbit makes this process seamless with native integration with a background check platform, Yardstik. 

With a pay-as-you-go pricing structure, candidates and employees alike can have their background screening process initiated, updated, and completed through Jackrabbit so as an owner or manager, you can keep all staff-related information within your management software. Parents will be relieved to know that this is a standard piece of your safety plan for students.

Expansive Reporting of Live Data

What’s the benefit of any management software if you can’t pull reports on the information you’ve collected? While Jackrabbit has an entire suite of reports that can assist in nearly any scenario, the Who’s Scheduled to Be Here Report comes to mind as the most valuable when focusing on student safety. 

Not only do you have a quick and easy way to pull a list of all families with students in class that day that should be contacted if an emergency were to take place, but you can email, text, or send a push notification to the mobile app directly from the report knowing you’ve got the right segment of people to contact.

It’s a great resource for your office staff to have access to in case of a quick need to know who is in the building but also just a great tool to have in your back pocket should the need to communicate an important message arise!

Student safety is something that will always be a priority for your gym, swim school or dance studio. Why not make it an integral part of how you manage your program with class management software with many more features included? 

Learn more about Jackrabbit Class today!

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