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Online Registration: Single Most Powerful Improvement Owners Can Make in Their Businesses

Class-based organizations across markets benefit from automated registration processes generated from their own webpages

Online registration users speak up:

“Online registration gives parents convenience, and staff time-saving automation. Online registration was probably the biggest game changer for staff and customers that we have ever implemented. Parents have privacy, control and convenience, staff members are freed up to focus on students and families and everyone has greater confidence in account and data accuracy.” Patti Komara – Patti’s All American

“Because of Jackrabbit, our information is more accurate, we work more efficiently and effectively and our parents are thrilled with the “modern” online options we offer.” Terilynne Knox – Dance Davidson

“We have replaced what was once a painstaking, laborious process with automation while parents enjoy the ability to register at their own convenience – no lines, no waiting, no worries that classes listed are filled.”
Kyle Grussmeyer, All Star Legacy

“During the registration process alone, Jackrabbit reduced the 144 hour effort that consumed three employees’ time by 50% and the improvement in customer service and parental happiness during the registration process is phenomenal.” Kelly Gaines, Charlotte Aquatics

Why is online registration such a game changer?

Online registration totally eliminates the staff’s need to be involved in the registration process. The convenience of the process makes parents very happy.

Beyond the basics, Jackrabbit’s online registration allows owners to provide early registration and arms them with detailed statistics to keep them up to date on the status of every class. The system is so flexible that it accommodates unique registration circumstances and opens up options for owners to get creative with the way they use it.

Online registration eliminates headaches and actually liberates all parties in the relationship. By freeing up staff, online registration enables frees them to do more amazing things for students and the business.  There are, in fact, hidden benefits that online registration delivers. It amazing frees up the phone lines! Parents have fewer questions because they can see all the class registration information for themselves. There is nothing left to question when the class availabilities update in real time on the webpage as the classes fill.

Online registration has distinct strategic benefits:

  • Provides powerful differentiators when parents are comparing their options
  • Provides organizations with advantages over less technology savvy competitors
  • Delivers innovation
  • Heightens professionalism
  • Transforms organization into a 24/7 accessibility
  • Seen as an invaluable convenience by parents
  • Makes important processes seamless for parents

As well as empowering tactical benefits:

  • Complete the entire registration process without the assistance of staff
  • Eliminates registration lines and provides a 24/7 process
  • Improves the accuracy of family data
  • Helps parents make sure that their children get registered in the classes they want
  • Allows the process to be transparent for parents

Online registration is an easy integration into webpages. Jackrabbit, in fact, offers a self-service Help Center to help users implement online registration at their own pace.

Users without web sites can even leverage Jackrabbit’s online registration features by offering the options using emails and/or social media. Regardless of the level at which you implement it, online registration adds value to organizations both strategically and tactically.

Learn more about Jackrabbit’s online registration feature.

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