It is Tax season and many organizations, particularly our Canadian organizations, have the need to send Tax Receipts to families and also pull reports on total Tax collected. You can do both in Jackrabbit!
Tax Receipts:
To send Tax Receipts to families that show a summary of all classes paid for and the tax paid on these classes, you must use the Statements function. Within Statements, there is Search Criteria that determines what transactions will show on the statement. These statements can be emailed or printed.
For example: If you want to show all payments that a family has made in a year, you would set the Transaction Date as Jan 1 2011 – Dec 31 2011. Transaction Type= Payments. Show Paid Only =yes. Additionally, Show Transaction notes=yes.
This will produce a statement of all PAYMENTS and the Tax portion will be totaled in the Tax column. You can also change the Statement Header to state “2011 Year End Tax Receipt” so that clients are aware of the purpose of the document. The Statement Footer can also describe the transactions selected. These areas are changed on the Statements screen.
Save a Tax Template for Next year!
We have added an exciting new feature to “Statements-Print” and “Statements-Email” called “Templates”. Templates saves you time by remembering your search criteria and field settings for you. A template can be “Public” and shared with others or “Private” and only visible under your User ID. We have provided a sample template called “2011 Year-End Statement” as an example. There are 2 new buttons in the upper-right corner highlighted in yellow. Select “Templates” to view and select an existing Template, and choose “Save” to create a new or update an existing template. Click the “?” Help Icon for more information.
Reports including Tax:
Jackrabbit’s Paid Fees Summary Report is an excellent revenue report that will give you a total of all Tax Received. The benefit of this report is that it will break down all your revenue by your Category 1 values and also isolate the Tax by these Category 1 values. This allows you to break down totals if necessary.
Keep your search criteria simple for this report. If you start by running it with a Date Paid of 1-1-2011 until 12-31-2011, this will provide you the overall revenue totals by Category for your organization. The Tax Column is displayed next to the revenue totals.
As with anything in Jackrabbit if you have questions or concerns regarding how to run these statements and reports, contact Support! Support is happy to answer your questions and address your concerns.