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Put Your Class Schedules on a Big Screen

When you see what John Kirk of Little Otter Swim Schools has done in his facility, you will want to replicate it!

John has pushed a live feed from Jackrabbit to big screens in the common area of his school so that parents can see class activities in real time.

The screen shown at right was from a slow time of day (hence the sporadic fill of color blocks).

The screen updates about 20 minutes before a class begins and changes 10 minutes after the start of class to the next time block. It is pulling each time slot’s classes and putting them in the correct color block. Talk about transparency to parents! WOW!

This is very helpful in class and facility management and the chaos that can take place when multiple classes are trying to get started because the students check to see what color blocks their classes are in then choose that color pass. That also tells them where they need to go in the pool.

How did Little Otter handle this before? They used paper signs at the desk that get messy if there are changes to classes or new students.

This looks awesome in both Little Otter locations (Matthews and Huntersville.)

Congratulations to John and Lory Kirk and the team at Little Otter on putting Jackrabbit to use in such a powerful way that benefits parents, students and staff!

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