Jackrabbit Helps Clients with Business Management & Growth Over the Long Haul

North Raleigh Gymnastics 


1 location, 1400 students, 47 instructors

Owners, Scott and Rachel Davis


In 2004, as NRG’s needs grew beyond the capabilities of the system that he had written, Scott brought the idea of building a system for tracking child and family data to Jackrabbit CoFounder Mark Mahoney – even offering his database as a development foundation. If more robust technology could help manage their business then the two owners could focus on teaching.


As a true management system took shape, Scott and Rachel’s main concerns were with their customers’ privacy and the security of their information – especially since Jackrabbit was developing the first online management system for their type of business. The second concern was parental perception. Would adding a technology system make them feel that customer service would be lacking and impersonal? Scott and Rachel put their trust in the system and it paid off. Jackrabbit showed its value from the very beginning. Even as the system has grown into today’s more mature version, the automation of processes and centralization of information help Scott, Rachel and the office staff save tremendous blocks of time and put information that they needed at their fingertips. The features that the system offers makes basic business needs – like class scheduling, student registration, tuition collection and communication – quick and easy to get done. The reporting features also give Scott and Rachel concise views of their critical business performance – helping them to understand where they stand at any given moment.


Jackrabbit gave North Raleigh Gymnastics a powerful foundation from day one and has grown into a vital part of their business operations.

“Being with Jackrabbit from its beginning stages has – in itself – been a benefit to us. We have seen the system mature and that gives us a very intimate understanding of its inner workings. Several components of the system have been business-changing for us along the way and that is how we know that the company keeps our best interest top-of-mind. They continuously seek out and provide ‘that next thing’ that we need to keep our business humming.” — Scott Davis, North Raleigh Gymnastics, ENeRGy Kids

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