The news, social media, friends, and family are all talking about the same thing – COVID-19. It’s no secret that this pandemic is affecting everyone in some way shape or form. And for us here at Jackrabbit Class, we are committed to helping our youth activity center owners, managers, and staff make it through this unknown territory better equipped to roll with the changes.
5 Ways to Navigate through COVID-19 with Jackrabbit Class
The only constant right now is change – the ‘normal’ we are used to is getting further and further away by the minute. For most people, myself included, it is really hard to adjust to constant change and face the unknown head-on. At a time where everyone is experiencing challenges, the Jackrabbit team put all plans aside. We all went into an all-hands-on-deck mode, no questions asked.
What changes transpired this week at Jackrabbit Class? More than ever, we are partnering with our clients to help them and their youth activity centers survive so they can thrive after COVID-19 is in our rear-view mirror.
1. Discounted monthly subscription
A lot of our clients are experiencing big changes to their programs, even if they can even continue their lessons virtually. For some clients, like those with swim schools, online classes aren’t a viable option.
At a time where revenue is not guaranteed for our youth activity centers, we have implemented a 20% discount starting with April’s subscription billing. Until further notice, we are partnering with our clients to keep youth sports and arts going when the kids need it most!
2. New enhancements
Jackrabbit started the year with an amazing 20/20 Vision, built on saving our clients time and streamlining existing processes. With the reality of COVID-19 starting to affect more countries and specifically, our client base – there was no question that the focus needed to adjust to what would help right now.
Some new and recent enhancements that are making things easier for youth activity centers:
- Virtual class field added for online classes to be viewed in the Parent Portal
- Email templates specifically designed for communicating with families during unexpected events
- Live video streaming integration with SpotTV
3. Comprehensive Resource center
Because COVID-19 has brought on uncharted territories for so many, our Education Team worked around the clock to bring together resources and plans for conducting business during this time. Having one centralized place for clients to get to everything they need is important during a time where everyone is feeling pulled in multiple directions.
With updates made multiple times a day and a simple layout that will take your additional resources if needed, the COVID-19 Resource Center is truly a one-stop shop that won’t send you down the wrong rabbit hole – see what I did there? 😉
Take me to the Resource Center!
4. Live webinar opportunities
Throughout the week, Jackrabbit partnered with CPA, former gym owner, and founder of Express Payroll for insights on what COVID-19 means for taxes, payroll, and unemployment resources. We plan to host repeats of this webinar if the demand and need continues.
A client and dance industry expert also joined the team to discuss how her studio is overcoming the unexpected with some pro tips for to get started. Hearing from someone in their shoes is invaluable in a time like this!
5. Feeling a sense of community
In my almost 5 years at Jackrabbit, I am feeling the love now more than ever. The sense of community that is displayed between departments and from client to client is beyond inspiring.
I have watched the total number of members in our Facebook Users Group jump each day this week. Our clients are helping one another with creative ideas, suggestions, motivational comments to keep going, and appreciation for one another. During a time where it is so easy to focus on the dark, this group has been the light!
What is next with COVID-19?
No one knows what tomorrow brings – and that couldn’t be more true right now with current events. However, I do know that Jackrabbit Class is committed to its people. As we all work through this history in the making, keep lifting each other up. We will get through this, together!