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Gym Ownership Has Been Life-Changing

Diane Trifiro and her husband Tony had been involved with Hand2Hand Gymnastics for a long time: since their son was a mere boy. Their son’s love for gymnastics only grew as he matured. He began to coach and discovered a career that he loved. That is when he and his parents met a heartbreaking impasse: the owners of the gym were retiring. After all of these years, it seemed impossible to the Trifiros that their son would have to lose his dream of one day owning the gym.

Well, the Trifiros had faced an impasse all their own a few years earlier in the career department and time didn’t seem to be on their side in resolving things.

More out of curiosity than planning, Diane did a little research into the possibility of buying the gym and found that they could make it work. So why not go for it? Maybe it would be a stop-gap until other paths cleared and it would allow their son to continue working toward his goal of being a gym owner.

“It’s been almost five years since we bought the gym and we’ve never regretted it,” says Diane.

If really was a leap of faith. Having worked in the office prior to the takeover, the Trifiros relied on their customer service knowledge, the examples of other gym owners and just plain common sense.

“It has truly been a blessing in disguise,” Diane adds. “We had tried a couple of things to generate income but nothing provided a consistent income like we were accustomed to living on. The gym has restored financial consistency to our lives and put us in control of our own destiny.”

The Trifiros are beyond thrilled with their exit plans for their gym. No students (at least for the next generation) will have to wonder what will happen to their gym when the owners retire. The Trifiro’s son and his wife are the next-generation owners! Involved in acrosports and gymnastics, the young couple will make the perfect recipients as the Trifiros pass the torch.

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