Group lessons are an effective and fun way for most children to learn to swim.
The small group format is beneficial because of the social interaction it allows, as well as the opportunities it provides for students to learn from watching each other. Therefore, group lessons work well for those children who are ready to learn in this dynamic setting and are motivated by group interactions. When children see one of their peers try something new they tend to become inspired to perform the task themselves. Watching other children also helps children to catch on and perfect movements quickly.
Semi-private and private lessons have their value in situations where children need the attention or for those who may be stuck on a learning plateau but they are typically not as enjoyable for the child because they lack the student interactions that occur in a group class.
When considering opting out of the group dynamic in favor of the semi-or totally private classes, parents should note their child’s temperament and learning style. Some children may need closer attention of an instructor to keep them focused on their tasks. Fortunately, the need for semi- and totally private classes is often short-term – helping the child through a transition or phase in learning style.