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Feature Tips: Posting Notices on Your Event Calendar

Did You Know…

You can use your Event Calendar for Notices?

You can now include general announcements on your online Event Calendar!

This enhancement came out early in 2014 but you may have missed it.

We’re promoting it because we know that many of you have used your Send Idea button to suggest this in the past. This is sure fire proof that we’re listening!

Our “Notice” Event Type enhancement gives you the ability to post general announcements called “Notices” on your Event Calendar. The Notices provide text information only – no registration allowed. The Notice Event Type is great for posting Closures, Due Dates and other important information. You can even create a Calendar showing Notices only and display it directly on your webpage. These show up as nonregistrable notices and they can be color coded (see example below).  To see how to add these notices to your online Event Calendar, visit the Help Center > Events > Event Notices page or watch a brief screencast on using the Jackrabbit Help Center in learning to set up Event Notices.


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