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Enhancements: Class Transactions and Time Approvals Impacted by Latest Round

Approve/Unapprove Time is sortable

The columns in Approve/Unapprove Time can now be sorted by clicking on the column title. A “Show Actual Hours vs Scheduled Hours” check box has been added to the upper left side of the results screen. If the Actual Hours vs Scheduled Hours are displayed, the sort occurs within the staff person’s group of entries for each day. If Actual Hours vs Scheduled Hours aren’t displayed, it sorts all time entries.

“No Value” Category 1 drop-down option added in several places

“No Value” is now an option in the Category 1 drop-down list for Advanced Transaction Search, Edit All Classes and Classes Advanced Search. If you want to search for classes or transactions which have a blank Category 1, select “No Value” in the Category 1 drop-down list.

Staff Middle Initial added

A middle initial can now be entered for a Staff person (up to 5 characters) in the Staff Summary tab. Staff middle initial is now included in the “Export to QuickBooks” IIF file.   Make sure before importing the IIF file into QuickBooks that both Jackrabbit Staff and QuickBooks employee’s names are exactly the same, including the middle initial.

Copy Class Transactions: Tax Added

Copied transactions from using “Copy Class” will now include tax if the original transaction had tax. (Class>Copy Classes, when “Copy Family Tuition Transactions?” set to “Yes”).

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