OSA Ohio Sports Find Your Party page.

Clever Way To Capture Waivers Online For Birthday Parties

Setting up Events in Jackrabbit to organize your birthday parties is a powerful tool. With the Events module, you can capture the family’s information, payment, party details and information about those attending each birthday party all in one place.

If you haven’t used Events for birthday parties before, click here for more information.

But wait, there’s more!

You can also use this to capture waivers before families come to the birthday party! No more chasing parents around for signatures during party time!

Ohio Sports Academy has organized their upcoming birthday parties on a special page on their website.

Parents of children attending the birthday party come here before the party to register their children and sign the waiver online.



Each event has it’s own unique URL so families can share information about the party with their guests. This trick takes that step farther. It helps cut down lines at the front desk for checking birthday party kids in. It organizes everyone’s waivers in one place and keeps them online and eliminates you having to run around with a clipboard getting signatures.

An inside tip on logistics, Ohio Sports Academy has different types of birthday parties that vary in length. Their staff has to be able to control what times are offered. Parents call into the gym to schedule parties and then, they set up the event in Jackrabbit. This is a quick process because they copy an event from their templates. Then they change the name to “Susie B Birthday Party” and link this to their website.

On this registration form. they have a Welcome Note, capture the student and family information and have a waiver for parents to sign. Remember, each event type can have its own set of waivers!

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