Continuous Jackrabbit Software Enhancements

Aged Account Report and Dashboard Changes

The Aged Accounts report has been changed to a typical/expected format for accounts receivable (who owes money). The new format has a column for 0-30 days, 31-60 days and >90 days and enters into the appropriate column the amount. New columns were added for Billing Email, Total and Unapplied Amt and the Balance Date column was removed. The search criteria page was updated to reflect the above changes.

The Dashboard was also updated to a new format to match the Aged Accounts report. The dashboard totals should always match the aged account report totals, as long as the user refreshes the dashboard. There’s a new Refresh button to the right of the totals so the user can refresh when necessary.


10534 final report (1)

10534 criteria final (1)

The Balance column shows “incl. Credits.”



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