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5 Things Your Team Needs in a Performance Review

“I can’t wait until the next round of performance reviews!”

Said no employee or manager EVER.

Call them quarterly check-ins, 360 assessments or performance reviews, no matter how we feel about them, the best child activities centers’ monitor and report on the performance of their staff and organization.

Bringing the process into a more modern approach can be where even the best of the best get hung up. According to Marketwatch, more than one in three working Americans is a millennial. If we’ve learned anything, it’s that when it comes to running a successful business, millennials demand that their wish list be considered (the snacks in the break room are a nice touch, by the way.) Performance reviews and feedback included.

Heading into 2019, taking new consideration on how you monitor performance is key. Changing how we approach these meetings has proved to produce more accurate results for the children’s centers that use them.

Before diving into some of the newest performance monitoring trends in children’s centers, here are a few classic considerations that are bound to stick around awhile longer.

Whenever you’re evaluating employees using any method, it’s important to:

  1.      Be specific. Spell out what you expect and what they should expect from you.
  2.      Establish deadlines.
  3.      Be honest. No candy coating or smoke and mirrors.
  4.      Be realistic about your details.
  5.      Keep personality out of it only evaluating performance.

Keeping these points in mind as you monitor or evaluate will help the method you use to remain fair for you and your team member.

Stuck in the Performance Review Rut?

While many have opted for a fresh take on children’s centers performance reviews, some businesses might find themselves stuck in a rut but not sure how to fix it.

Feel like your reviews aren’t doing much different anyway? You’re not alone.  Check out this study for more.

We we do know is that an ongoing and consistent feedback loop is necessary and important in helping any company reach its goals. So, where do we start in revamping this process?

Give Your Current Processes a New Twist

Recently, forward-thinking business owners have tried and proven the success of a few new methods of measuring employee success.

A few of the review styles made popular in recent years are:

  1. Self-Assessments
  2. 360° Feedback
  3. MBO or Management by Objectives

Before deciding on the review style that’s right for your business it’s important to take a look at your team. Look for things that they have in common – are they motivated by the same kinds of things? Do they have common goals? You want your team to respond to your feedback and adjust accordingly.

The Magic Number

Rapidly growing companies have trouble moving as fast as they need to with check-lists and metrics that were captured only once or, at the most, twice a year. How often you hold your reviews will depend on what kind of format you choose, what your turnover is like and the seasonality of your program.

Since our industry’s workforce is made up of mostly millennials, keep in mind that these employees statistically perform better if they are invested in the goals of the people they work with and for. Keeping them in tune with your vision, hopes, fears and growth plans will make them feel more aligned with you and in turn, want to give you their best effort.

A Turning Point

You may find that taking on a ‘new’ method will feel like an instant improvement.  The turning point of these evaluation processes in your business will go from listening to feedback and the perspective of an employee to one that considered them as individuals and stakeholders in your business with motivations, goals, and purpose.

To decide whether this new approach was a success or not you’ll want to stay the course, complete a cycle or two of reviews and watch for improvements – large or small – in your team. If you don’t see the results you were expecting, do a quick audit. Did you give them a fair shake? Follow through on your end of the deal? You might find some areas where you can improve before you discontinue the reviews all together.

New Thinking Works

According to HR researcher and expert, Josh Bersin, “Companies that set performance goals quarterly generate 31% greater returns from their performance process than those who do it annually. And those who do it monthly get even better results.”

Employees and managers that connect and set goals at least every three months will find themselves engaged in the goals and purpose of the business and each other. This investment might just prove to be the update you and your team need moving into 2019.

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