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25 Things You Love/Hate About Being An All-Star Cheerleading Coach

As a coach, you know that all-star cheerleading gets crazier every year and this means that you go even ore insane creating ways to make your squad a winning one.

Enjoy this list of “25 Things You Love/Hate About Being An All-Star Cheerleading Coach”.  Some a cute, some hilarious and some a little irreverent. But I’m sure you’ll be nodding your head in agreement with many of these!

Here’s the list, but click through to the article to see the animated examples.

#1 Running into your cheerleaders outside the gym.

#2 New uniforms

#3 CHEERSPORT at 4 p.m.

#4 When one of your cheerleaders/parents tries to give you choreography advice.

#5 When your gym is closed for a holiday break and there’s no practice.

#6 When anyone asks you anything at practice after a night out.

#7 When your squad fails to hit a single stunt at practice.

#8 Your backstage pep talk before your squad takes the stage.

#9 Right before your squad takes the stage.

#10 Watching a stunt fall during a competition.

#11 When someone is late to practice.

#12 “Can we get water?”

#13 Watching other teams in your division hit during warm-ups.

#14 When your squad hits full-out for the first time.

#15 Waking up for competitions.

#16 The crowd when your squad does crazy choreography.

#17 When someone gets injured and you have to re-do your routine the week of competition.

#18 The dance your choreographed.

#19 The dance your squad does.

#20 When your mini squad watches your senior squad.

#21 When you say “One more time!” and your cheerleaders know that really means seven.

#22 This: Point Your Toes

#23 Have good music.

#24 Theme practices.

#25 Knowing you’re making a difference in your cheerleader’s lives.


Image Credit: DHLOGAN

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