Jackrabbit Tips & Tricks

You Don’t Have to Post Tuition Fees One Family at a Time

En masse save time and your sanity!

Did you know that, with just a few clicks, you can tremendously reduce the time it takes to complete these two all-consuming activities?

The ability to “mass process” is one of the biggest time savers that Jackrabbit offers. It can literally turn 3 hours’ worth of one-at-a-time work into 3 minutes of simple clicks. (And those savings estimates come directly from a Jackrabbit user!)

According to Sam Beckford from the Academy of Dance and Music, “It makes no sense to choose to work harder. That is why we have Jackrabbit. We don’t have to put in more hours to do more. It lets us live our lives at the end of the day.”

Using Jackrabbit, you will never again need to go into each family for posting their fees. Once you have your families set up correctly, mass posting tuition fees is simple, fast, accurate and convenient.

Mass Post Your Fees

The devil truly is in the details because the key to making this run smoothly is setting up your process appropriately for the way your fees work. But lots of focus in the beginning makes for quick work in the end. The time savings is truly phenomenal. Think of all of the “other things” you can do with the time you save!

When you post fees to multiple families, you can apply discounts, you can check for duplicate fees and you can preview what you’re preparing to post so you can “uncheck” any family who shouldn’t be included in this mass post. Jackrabbit even gives you the ability to post fees by total hours in addition to posting them by class. You simply process 2 groups.

Post tuition fees, annual fees, group fees, class fees, costume fees, tuition by hours, events easily and quickly with just a few simple clicks to the group of your choice.

You decide:

  • Who the fees are posted to
  • When to post the fees
  • What types of fees are posted
  • If multi-student and/or multi-class discounts should be applied
  • If there are any miscellaneous discounts that should be appliedWait – there is a bonus! You don’t have to do the set up more than once either. Jackrabbit gives you the ability to create favorites.

The options are endless!

Wait – there is a bonus! You don’t have to do the set up more than once either. Jackrabbit gives you the ability to create favorites.

Watch a video about posting tuition fees for multiple families and learn more details about this process in the Jackrabbit Help Center.  Jackrabbit Help Center: Contents>How To Guide>Transactions (Fees & Payments)>Post a Fee/Bill a Customer/Post Fees to Multiple Families

Learn about two different methods for posting tuition fees: by classes and by total hours.

Please reach out to us if you’ve reviewed all of our information and you still have questions. We’re here to help. Of course, the best way to contact support is through the “Support” button when you’re logged into your software. We’re here to help!

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