SPEEDY | Jackrabbit is known for sparing its users from slow-search results and freezing screens that plague performance of some other software programs because it is engineered for speed.
Speed that may surprise you.
If you’re expecting the performance you’ve experienced with some other software programs, prepare to be surprised.
Jackrabbit doesn’t soak up your valuable time by making you wait for screens to change or pages to load. Our software is engineered for top performance.
We won’t throw a bunch of fancy jargon at you because we know that doesn’t really tell you what you want to know. Our product and engineering teams are experts at this. They understand all the technical details that give Jackrabbit the bandwidth to handle the needs of every one of our clients at the speed you deserve so you don’t waste a single moment of your day sitting idly at your computer.
Are you interested in an incredibly efficient way to get started with Jackrabbit? The Quick Start Wizard will amaze you, schedule a call with one of our Jackrabbit specialists today!