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Top 5 Decorating Tips For Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner…seriously…it’s tomorrow! What are you going to do with your studio, center, or school? I can imagine planning for Valentine’s Day for a children’s activity center is challenging. You want to celebrate the holiday,  but not take away from class time. How can you do this?

Here are some ideas for preparing your space, instead of your classes, for Valentine’s Day.

1– Set the tone right as your students walk in. Have music playing in the waiting room. Pandora is a free internet radio site with different stations you can choose from. Sign up and see what stations you like. Try out the “Love Songs” station for this celebration of love.

2– Decorate your waiting room with hearts, cupid, and lots of pink and red! There are tons of ideas on Pinterest and we’ve made a Valentine’s Day board full of decoration ideas for you.

3– Give your students something to do while they wait for their class. To stay away from eating up class time with Valentine’s Day celebrations, entertain the students outside of class. has created templates for a matching game, coloring page, and a wordsearch. All you have to do is print them!


4– Get a little silly. Everybody enjoys a joke, no matter how “corney” it may be. also made a template for lunchbox jokes. Instead of putting these in their lunchboxes, hang these up throughout the studio. Maybe one in the bathroom on the mirror, in the hallway, and any other spot that the students will stumble upon.

5– Make a mailbox for students to drop in Valentine’s or things they love. The concept is similar to a comments box, but to be more focused on things they love. One idea is to pick one note out of the box at the end of each class and share it with the class. Maybe you even want to pick a winner for the most creative or thoughtful note. You could announce it on Facebook and give them some sort of prize from the studio.

Get creative for Valentine’s Day! Share ideas with us in the comments section – what are you planning to do to celebrate?

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