Continuous Jackrabbit Software Enhancements

Split Tax Tuition and Registration Fees

Your Tools>Edit Settings’ “Tax Tuition and Registration Fees” is now two separate settings called “Tax Tuition Fees” and “Tax Registration Fees.” These can now be set differently if your state requires one to be taxed but not the other. Web registration, quick registration and enrolling within Jackrabbit also have these have all been updated to use both settings.


Make Sale/Post Fees: Add Tax…

If this is yes, the “Post Fees” section of Make Sale / Post Fees will default to having tax automatically calculated.

Tax Tuition and enrollment…

If this is yes:
  Tuition fees will be taxed when a student enrolls.

  Tuition fees will be taxed when a student enrolls via Web Registration.

  Tuition fees will be taxed when a student enrolls via the Parent Portal.

  Tuition Fees will default to be taxed when you post tuition via “Post Tuition Fees” and “Post Tuition Fees by Total Hours”.

Tax Registration Fees…

If this is yes:
  Registration and other fees will be taxed when a student enrolls.

  Registration fees will be taxed when a student enrolls via Web Registration.

  Transactions>Post Annual Fees will default to taxable but gives the option to not add the tax because this function is often used for posting recurring fees other than Registration fees.

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