Automated discounts enhancements

Smarter Automated Discounts with Jackrabbit’s Latest Updates

Discounting Enhancement Now Live – Release Date: June 18, 2019

Jackrabbit’s Automated Discounting & Prorating is one of the most highly-requested features to date. Our Product Team has been working to refine this powerful tool to make it flexible for many different billing structures. However, we can tell that the time saved by our clients is more than worth it!

What’s new with Automated Discounting & Prorating?

In addition to telling Jackrabbit to post discounted tuition automatically, you can now determine how the multi-class discount is calculated and/or how the hours are counted.

If you charge by Class Fee, you can choose to count (or not count) classes across different:

  • Sessions
  • Category 1’s
  • Tuition Discount Rules

If you charge by Total Hours, you can choose to count (or not count) hours across different:

  • Sessions
  • Category 1’s

Keep in mind, Jackrabbit does not cross Tuition Billing Cycles when calculating multi-class discounts.

New Tuition Settings

Jackrabbit has new Tuition Settings to determine how it counts the total hours and classes for discounting. You should only adjust the settings if you do not want to discounts considered over multiple Sessions, Category 1’s, and or Tuition Discount Rules.

Adjust your Tuition Settings by going to the Tools menu, select Edit Settings > Tuition Settings > Manage Settings (Tuition Fee Settings).

Note: If you haven’t started your Tuition Settings setup, you will need to do that first before seeing these options!

If you charge by Class Fee, you must select Post discounted tuition (use Tuition Discount Rules) or Post discounted and prorated tuition under the By Class Fee Settings section for these settings to show. If you select to not auto-post tuition, post full tuition, or post prorated tuition, these settings will not be an option.

jackrabbitclass - discount by class

If you charge by Total Hours, you must select Post tuition using Fee Schedule with multi-student discounts (no prorating) or Post tuition using Fee Schedule with multi-student discount and prorating under the By Total Hours Settings section for these settings to show. If you choose to not auto-post tuition, these settings will not be an option.

jackrabbit class - discount by hours

Multi-Class Discount Example for By Class Fee

You have opened summer and fall registration, so you have 2 sessions running concurrently (e.g., 2019-2020 and Summer 2020).

When Jackrabbit calculates the multi-class discounts, you don’t want it to consider all classes determine the multi-class discount. Instead, you want it to:

  • count the classes that have an assigned session of 2019-2020 and calculate the discount based on the class’ assigned Tuition Discount Rule.
  • separately count the classes with the assigned class session of Summer 2020 and calculate the discount on the class’ assigned Tuition Discount Rule.

Counting Hours Example for By Total Hours

You run two different programs and you distinguish each program’s classes with a Category 1 value (e.g., Theatre and Dance).

When Jackrabbit counts the total hours a student is in class, you do not want it to count all classes to determine the fee charged from the Fee Schedule. Instead, you want it to:

  • count the hours in classes that have an assigned Category 1 of Theatre and determine the fee based on your fee schedule.
  • separately count the hours in classes that have an assigned Category 1 of Dance and determine a separate fee based on your fee schedule.

Haven’t tried it out yet?

If the summer time is a slower pace for your program, this is the best time to dive in to the discounting and prorating features built in to Jackrabbit. This allows you to save time during the busier months when you need it the most.

Get started today!

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