Enroll in classes easily in the Jackrabbit 

Check it out! Mobile Responsive Parent Portal Now Available!

You asked, we answered! You’re going to love the changes that are now available in the Jackrabbit Class Parent Portal!

With the new features available in your customized Parent Portal, gym owners, administrators and parents are noticing a new look and feel on both desktop and mobile devices.

Give it a look and you’ll also see some enhanced features and functionality:

  • Parents will be able to add a contact which they can’t do in the present portal version.
  • Parents will be able to add a student while in process of enrolling for classes.
  • Parents will have a much smoother events enrollment process. They will no longer need to open up the school’s event calendar to enroll in events. This functionality will match how enrolling is done from classes. Parents simply go to Enroll in Class/Event and toggle the Class/Event button to make their choice!

Keep scrolling for a sample view of the feature-rich Jackrabbit Parent Portal saving you and your customers time. Get back to building dreams and connecting with your families with the Jackrabbit Class Parent Portal!




Want to learn more? Set up a quick call with a Jackrabbit Class specialist – Schedule your personalized call today!

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