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Make Your Case – Letter Template

Dear [Name],

The 2017 Jackrabbit Boost User Conference is November 16th – 18th in Las Vegas, Nevada. I would like to attend the Conference because [insert your best reason!].

The twice-yearly conference focuses on fine tuning Jackrabbit skills in a friendly group setting. Attendees learn from Jackrabbit’s team of experts and gain helpful insight from other business owners. Jackrabbit software has over 100 enhancements a year, it is more important than ever that I stay current.

The Boost User Conference offers more than 16 hands-on workshops that are directly applicable to my work on [insert]. It also provides an excellent opportunity to network with other professionals and learn from their best practices – even their tricks and tips. With this knowledge, transactions that now might take 30 minutes could be reduced to 5 minutes or less — saving time and money!

I estimate the overall cost of attending as $[insert], but the information and resources I will gain along with the knowledge from others in the industry will be invaluable. I will share all discussion notes, major takeaways and technological tips with a key person in our office.

I will gain knowledge and insight into the following:

  • [Fill in some questions you’d like to have answered at the conference]
  • [Ex: How can attending conference make our processes more efficient?]
  • [Ex: How can our training be improved by what I learned in conference?]

If you have topics you would like to learn about or have ideas about how training could help with my professional development, we could sit down and plan how to maximize my time while attending the conference.

Thank you for considering this opportunity for my professional development.


[Your Name]

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