A request we get a lot is to protect the privacy of your Instructors. We have listened! We have released the ability to add “Public Nicknames” for your Instructors/Coaches that will display in the Parent Portal. The public nickname is how your students refer to their instructor/coach. Miss Sharla, or Coach Scott for example.
This allows you to display the Instructor or Coach’s nickname, so Parents can see who is teaching. There are just a couple of things you need to do.
First, there is a new field on the Instructor Summary page for the Public Nickname. Jackrabbit automatically enters the full name of the Instructor in this field. You can easily enter in the desired public nickname.
Once you enter the desired public nickname, be sure to click Save Changes. Repeat this for all your Instructors/Coaches.
Next, navigate to your Parent Portal Settings. Tools > Parent Portal > Settings and scroll down to Class Enrollment Settings. If you want to display your Instructor Nicknames, first make sure the “Hide Instructor Filter” is NOT checked and check the box in the NEW FIELD “Show Instructor Nickname”. Save your changes!
That’s it! Your Instructor/Coach nicknames will now be shown in the Staff Portal. Please note, this ONLY affects the Staff Portal. Online Registration does not display the Instructor names by default. If you opt to display instructor names, the nicknames do not appear there. For more information on the Parent Portal or Online Web Registration, please visit our Help Center: https://help.jackrabbitclass.com/help/online-integration-help