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Enhancements Improve the Way You Work

Development has been working hard to enhance the system to make your work easier!

Portal Future Drops Setting

A new setting which affects the portal has been added called “Should Future Drops affect Openings”. When set to “Yes”, future drops will add the future drops to the class openings count. When set to “No”, future drops will NOT be add to the class openings count. (See screen shot below)

This setting has been set to the same value (yes/no) that you have for future enrollments. This can be changed if desired. To do this go to Tools>Web Registration>Settings




Web Registration: Added Future Drops Setting

A new web registration setting has been added called “Should Future Drops Affect Openings”. When set to “Yes”, future drops will add the future drops to the class openings count. When set to “No”, future drops will NOT be add to the class openings count.

This setting has been set to the same value (yes/no) that you have for future enrollments. You may change this setting, if you wish.

Other improvements that you may notice:

  1. Birth dates are now required for all students in Web Reg. Previously only the 1st student was required to show a birth date.
  2. Email Families now uses the org drop-down list in the search criteria.
  3. Event Questions & Answers have been added to the family merge process.
  4. The Class Registration confirmation email’s Contact Us link has been changed to use the same email as the From email address.
  5. Mass drop will now affect the class count, the class page and all areas where class enrollment is displayed. The class shows as current until the drop date.
  6. List Active Staff will now display the staff positions selected in the staff summary tab.
  7. Quick Reg Merge Family will no longer create a duplicate student and will update the Membership Type for the family.
  8. Dashboard “Portal enrollments last 7 days” will only include students that have completed enrollment.

Review all recent enhancements.



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