Improvements to the Email Families Function

Email Families Enhancement Now Live – Released: Tuesday, January 29, 2019


If you send mass email to your families through Jackrabbit, you will notice some changes to the criteria section. While the options on what to search for has stayed the same, some of the search criteria has been reorganized on the Email Families page to make the criteria more user-friendly.

After you compose the email you want to send, you will notice the Enrollment Status search criteria is now grouped together and moved to the top. This helps you ensure that you are connecting with your intended audience.

How is this useful to you? Using Enrollment Status search criteria allows you to easily target waitlisted students only, for example. Keep in mind, if you want to reach waitlisted students only, the Family Status could be active or inactive when the family has multiple students. Adjust the Family Status to Any in order to reach all waitlisted students.

If you select criteria that doesn’t work together (i.e. Student Enrollment Status is set to Waitlist only and Include Future Enrollments is set to Yes), Jackrabbit recognizes this and will notify you with an on-screen alert to keep you from yielding no results.

We hope you find these improvements to the Email Families function will improve your ability to email your families quickly and effortlessly!

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