Continuous Jackrabbit software enhancements.

Cleaner, Easier Attendance Taking & Attendance History in Staff Portal

Now that attendance taken via the Staff Portal can include Late, Left Early, and Observing, we’ve put some polish to this area. You’ll find clear words in place of icons, improved badges to show Medical alerts, Birthdays, Absences etc.

A new Attendance button, shown in the screenshot above will show a student’s attendance history so as an Instructor you can easily view a student’s attendance history including any attendance issues such as late, left early & observing.

Providing More Attendance Detail in the Parent Portal:

You now have the option to show Attendance Issues (late, left early, observing) in the Parent Portal. This new feature is turned off at release, but if you’d like your parents to see any attendance issues, you can turn this on via Parent Portal settings. (Tools > Parent Portal > Settings)

When active, a separate button appears in the Parent Portal that show Attendance Issues.

We hope you will find these changes to be helpful to you, your instructors, and your parents.

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