How to Teach the Splits

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Teach your gymnasts how to do a split at the end of class. Why? Watch the video below to find out and see my other tips for teaching splits. International…

Raising Prices: When is the Time Right?

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Here are some tips that we’ve done our own proof of effectiveness on in the Patti’s All American gym. Your parents can make some comments that definitely get you thinking…

Time To Raise Prices

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We just raised prices January 17th. We were already 10% more than our competitors, but I know we need to raise prices every year to stay at the level of…

The 6 Best Questions to Ask in an Interview

I love group interviews. I take about 6-10 prospective employees and ask them questions… any can answer first. I see who is assertive, likes to take the lead, and has…

Disarming Agitation

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I love nothing better than sharing the things that have helped to make my gym successful and I try to keep it simple. My advice for disarming an agitated parent?…

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