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20 Great Customer Service Ideas – Vol II.

Written by Patti Komara

20 Great Customer Service Ideas-Volume 2

Last week I gave you 20 ideas. Here is the next 20! I received a lot of positive comments from the e-blast I sent last week. I hope all of you get ideas from this list, too. Look for the final 20 ideas in your inbox next Tuesday.

  1. Have a Parent Handbook. Nothing causes more problems down the road with a customer than if they have a problem, there was a policy and they didn’t know it.
  2. Post class interaction with mom of a new student  including complimenting their child on something from class… either a gymnastics skill or a social skill. Parents always love to hear their child behaved well in class!
  3. Eyes taped to forehead first day-must look enthusiastic. If you love teaching, remember to tell your face!
  4. Start class on time and finish on time—parents have places to go!
  5. Joiner call-within a day or two call the parents and ask how the child liked the class and review main policies of your gym like paying tuition and make-ups
  6. “Glad you could join us” postcard sent to the child the day after their first class
  7. I spent $300 last year on magazines for parents in the lobby (watch your image, suggestions-Christian Parenting, Parents, Baby, Cat Fancy, Sports Illustrated, ESPN)
  8. “Missed you” phone call when a student misses two or more classes
  9. Bounce back postcard sent to non-currents asking them to return and give them an incentive such as ½ off
  10. Appreciation coupon for parents such as $10 off tuition for nice gestures such as bringing the staff cookies, suggestions for the gym, or if they’re upset about something you made them feel better
  11. Birthday card sent in the mail for each child
  12. Daily postcards to students complimenting their good work—each teacher should send at least one every time they teach. The gym pays for postcards and postage.
  13. Postcard sent to their home after they got to ring the bell in the gym, because they achieved one of the main skills
  14. Birthday bulletin board changed monthly with just first names of kids and their day
  15. Lesson plan logic bulletin board with clear explanations of the “whys” of the class to help educate the parents. The more they understand why you are doing a drill or activity the more they will talk about you to their friends.
  16. Staff photos and bio of each staff person on a bulletin board
  17. Send an anniversary card to the parents for each year they stay with you and offer them a special gift the next time they come in
  18. Call the parent the same day that a child needed an ice bag, cries, or is having trouble in class
  19. No hassle refunds. If they want their money back, give it to them. You want them to return or at least pass on the good word that you care more about them than money.
  20. Graduation certificate or a trophy when a student moves to a new level
  • What gets measured gets done. Ask how you’re doing in person and in surveys.
  • Disney says, “Wrap an experience around a service transaction.”
  • Think relationships!

These ideas are part of #152 Unbeatable Customer Service and are  explained in complete detail. Click here to purchase as an instant download. Prefer hard copy? Click here. Look for Volume 3, the final edition, of this series in your inbox next Tuesday.


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