Help Resources
Jackrabbit Class Help and Guides
Need help? Find a growing collection of helpful and easy-to-use guides, videos and other tools for learning more about Jackrabbit Class.
Get Started
We provide a bank of comprehensive articles and videos to use during your initial set up. Why? Because we love setting you up for success from day one.
Watch Tutorials
Quickly access our compilation of quick tip and feature walkthrough videos to see Jackrabbit’s features in action, perfect for visual learners.
Research Seasonal Topic Hubs
Topic Hubs are a collection of resources that cover specific, seasonal topics and are here to help you get the most out of using Jackrabbit Class.
Get Jackrabbit Certified
Follow a guided learning path with in-depth tutorials for different tracks for front desk staff, coaches and instructors, as well as supervisors and managers, and receive a certification upon completion.