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What To Do With Negative Facebook Reviews

Testimonials are a great way to showcase your business through real people with real experiences.  Most people today will search online for a business or product to read reviews before they sign up or purchase anything.  Providing a service – especially for someone’s child – is a big decision for parents to make. They want their child to be in a safe and fun environment. Trust is huge. Hearing from other folks who have had a good experience with your class is invaluable to your business.

But, we all know that not all reviews are positive. What do you do when a person has a negative experience and takes the time to go to your Facebook page and tell the whole world their story? There are countless examples of what people could write in their review. This list of things to consider when you have a negative Facebook review are 100% dependent on the situation. Choose your response wisely and don’t hesitate to ask me at or ask other Jackrabbit users in our private Facebook group. Sometimes it’s good to bounce ideas back and forth with others!

  1. Respond. Make sure you see the review quickly and say something back. This shows that you care about your customers. Social media is a new platform of customer service – treat your customers well. They may just want to see that you have heard their opinion.
  2. Take the conversation offline. The number one thing you want to avoid is other customers seeing the review and joining in on the negativity. To avoid the snowball effect, reach out to that customer individually with a phone call or email. That way, if another person stumbles upon the review, they will see that you are being proactive in solving the problem and it is getting taken care of.
  3. Apologize on the post. When you say that you’ll be contacting them for more information and to figure out what went wrong, make sure you apologize. Be vulnerable and admit to a mistake that you or your staff have made. This will show that you are aware of the situation and are dedicated to solving it.
  4. Stay calm. If you can tell tensions are high in the review, being calm and collected with a response is key. Battling back and forth about who is right or wrong can be unappealing to your business. You definitely don’t want other customers who are happy to become unhappy from this.

How you respond to reviews on your page:

  1. Go to the review and click Comment.
  2. Write a response and press the Enter key.

Bad reviews are good. One bad review for every ten good reviews is actually a healthy ratio. Don’t panic. In a way, this helps customers know you aren’t fake. But, if you start seeing a trend, you may want to get a professional involved before things get out of control.

In some cases, you will need to report a review. You can report reviews that don’t follow the Facebook Community Standards or focus on the product or service offered by the Page. We’ll review your report and may remove reviews that don’t follow our guidelines. Keep in mind that you can only report star ratings that include reviews. To report a review:

  1. Go to the review and click in the top right.
  2. Click I don’t like this review.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions.

If reviews become a big issue, you might want to consider not having reviews on your Facebook page. You’ll need to change your page’s category to do that. To change your Page’s category:

  1. Click About below your Page’s cover photo.
  2. Click Page Info in the left column.
  3. Hover over the Category section and click Edit.
  4. Select a category from the first dropdown menu, then select a more specific category from the second dropdown menu.
  5. Click Save Changes.


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