Jackrabbit Tips & Tricks

Today’s Enhancement: Enrollment Details for Makeups

Enrollment Details popup now includes a “Makeup” and “Adjusted Openings” column

The enhancement for Makeups includes the following:

* Allows org to decide if they want Makeups to effect Openings

* The new Adjusted Openings formula: Openings – Future Enrolls + Future Drops – Makeups + Waitlists (if all of these are checked in the Web Reg settings).

* Alerts user when about to overbook

* Web Reg and Portal will not display a class if openings are 0 or less than 0.


Example: I want my database to take makeups into account for my openings.

1. I turn on my webreg/portal Makeup setting (WebReg settings):


2. I verify my “Class Size Makeup Limit” = 0 (Edit Settings):


3. I have a student who wants to enroll in my Preschool I Dance class. I go to the weekly calendar and see what’s available:


4. I choose the Preschool I Dance class and I get the overbooking alert:


5. I click “OK” and then select a student. I then see (new popup all orgs see today):


6. Web Registration class search:


7. Portal class search:



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