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Tips from Customer Support

WOW!!  Support has been BUSY!

We have just finished our two Jackrabbit User Conferences in Charlotte and Las Vegas.  If you have not been to one of our User Conferences, you’re missing out on your chance to meet one-on-one with a support person and learn SO MUCH about Jackrabbit’s features and enhancements from our staff and other users.

Speaking of enhancements – take a moment to look at your enhancements list and recognize the hard work development has done to address some of the most popular requests.

Try/Test some of these new features!  It is easy in Jackrabbit to create a “Test Family” and “Test Student” to play with some of the features development has released. If you think you’re missing out on how enhancements can help you, use your Support Button and ask us!

Now is the time of year you can also schedule a Utilization Review.  At any time if you would like to hold a joint phone/screen call with a Jackrabbit Support person, please email support and request a UTILIZATION REVIEW.  A Jackrabbit Support person will arrange a time to go through your database and answer any questions you have on improving any frustrations or questions you have with using Jackrabbit.

We value your opinion!  We are proud of our support team and the work they do.  If you are ever concerned about the support you receive, please email Jorine Jones, Support Manager with your concerns (  We welcome all Feedback.

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