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Recent Enhancements that Improve Class Rolls, Time Clock Settings, Quick Registration Auto Post, NACHA Payoff Linking, Password Resets & Time Report Details

Changes to Class Rolls

Two changes were made:

Display Options are now available when accessing a Class Roll from a Class page. Prior to this, these options weren’t available and the report defaulted to certain settings. In order to comply with location and Cat1 User ID permissions, the class is auto-filled on the criteria page and can’t be changed.

“Show Emergency Contacts” is now a display option.


Pay Periods “Close” link added in Edit Time Clock Settings

A “Close” link was added to each Pay Period.  The link takes the user directly to the Close Pay Period Step 2 page because it already know which pay period is being closed.

The was done because in Clock>Close Pay Period only 3 pay periods appear in the Pay Period drop-down list: Current, Previous and Next. The reason for the short drop-down list is because payroll must be kept up to date and these are the most frequently used date ranges. However, if a pay period is too far back or too far in the future, it doesn’t appear in the drop-down list. The “Close” link added for each pay period in Edit Settings>Time Clock solves this issue.



Quick Reg Auto Post of Registration Fees and changes to the post fee screen

Registration fees will be automatically added into the Post Enrollment Fees screen after Quick Registration is submitted. This will only happen if the database has the “Post Registration Fees” set to “Yes”:



After the Quick Registration is submitted, the Quick Registration Post Enrollment Fees screen is displayed. Changes have been made to the screen to make it more user friendly:



a. The message has been changed from “Information Saved” to “XX Family Created”

b. Post column and checkboxes have been added.

c. Check All and Un-Check All buttons have been added.

d. Global “Post Fee” button was added at the bottom of the page and the individu
al fee line Post Fee buttons were removed.

e. After the fees are posted, the fee screen is closed and the user is taken directly to the Payment screen.



There is more to come for thie enhancement. Soon, the tuition defaults (multi-class and multi-student discounts) will automatically be in the tuition fee line.


NACHA Payoff Automatic Linking to Fees

When the NACHA Payoff  is ran, the payments will automatically link to the family’s outstanding fees. There only difference on the page is a red note alerting Users of the change:


This will make any organization using NACHA’s life so much easier. Up until now, every payment had to be manually linked.


Portal Password visible after password is reset

After a Contact’s portal password is reset, the new password is visible to the user until the message is closed. This will help with the issue of parent’s not receiving the password reset emails because of inbox filters etc. This way, staff can reset the password and then cut and paste it into an email to the contact.




Staff Time Clock Password visible after password is reset

After a Staff person’s time clock password is reset, the new password is visible to the user until the message is closed. This will help with the issue of contact’s not receiving the password reset emails because of inbox filters, etc. This way, staff can reset the password and then cut and paste it into an email to the other staff person.



Time Report sort by Staff Last Name and then First Name

The Time Report (all formats) are now sorted by Staff Last Name, First Name. Prior to today, the report defaulted to sort on Staff First Name, Last Name.



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