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Recent Enhancements Impact Event Registration, Transaction and Student Skills Search, Quick Registration and More

Event Registration added to the Parent Portal

Event registration is now available for parents in the Parent Portal. The settings are located under Tools>Parent Portal>Settings.

There is a new Event Registration tab check box in the left column of the settings screen:


The Event Registration checkbox will be defaulted to un-checked (off) for all existing orgs. It will be defaulted checked (on) for all new databases created.

There is also the ability to enter Event Registration tab instructions which are displayed to the parent:


In the Parent Portal, the Event Registration tab looks like:

Notes on the event registration form:

The contact’s information is defaulted so they don’t need to re-enter it. If there’s a missing piece of info which is required, the parent will need to update the info in the My Contact tab of the portal.

If the they are requiring credit card information in the registration form and the family has an existing credit card on file, then they will see “Use Existing Card On File” checkbox. If left checked, they will not need to enter the card information (because it’s already on file). If they want to use a different card, they will un-check the box and then they are able to enter the card info. There is a note to alert the parent that the new card will replace the existing card.


The dashboard announcement contains a short screencast on how to use this enhancement.


Family Global Search expanded for 10 digit phone number

Users can now enter the zip code plus the 7 digit phone number to search globally for a Family. They can still search by only 7 digits. It doesn’t make a difference if the parentheses or dashes are entered or not entered.

Student Citizenship – Hide option

Student “Citizenship”, located on the Student Summary tab, can now be hidden. This setting is located in Tools>Edit Settings>Organization Defaults:


Transaction Advanced Search – Unpaid Amount Totals Added

When a user runs a Transaction Advanced Search, any Unpaid Amounts will be totaled at the end of the results and will also be highlighted green. This will happen even without the user selecting a special search item.

For example, today I entered a payment which paid all outstanding fees and overpaid the account by $15. The Transaction Adv Search ran with only today’s date entered looks like this:


Print Statements: The left justification for the address and footer was removed. 

This will be added back to Print Statements as an option to the user. I’ll let you know when this is completed.


Instructor added to Student Skills Search Criteria

Instructor is now an available search criteria. This is a multi-select drop-down list.



Fixed Fee Cat1 now required

If a family has a Fixed Fee amount entered, they can’t save changes until a Cat1 is entered. If a blank Cat1 exists right now, the next time a user is in the Billing Info page, they will get the alert to enter a Cat1.



Print Statements – Show unpaid amount

When Statements are Printed with the “Show Unpaid Amount” option selected, the printed statement now displays the information in the same manner as Emailed Statements.



Delete Event

The delete alert text was modified to be more descriptive. It used to be a generic, “Are you sure?” 



Quick Registration adhere to some of Web Registration Settings

When the following items have been changed to effect both Web Registration and Quick Registration.

Quick Reg Student Class Search: Age From & Through was added as a filter:





Colors and Fonts: if colors and fonts are selected in Tools>Web Registration>Settings, both the Web Reg and Quick Registration will be adhere to the selections:





Employer Information in Tools>Web Registration> Field Labels/Hidden/Required: this setting effects both Web Reg and Quick Reg:




Copy Classes- Copy Tuition Transactions alert

When using Copy Classes and also selecting to copy family tuition transactions, the user is alerted with the requirements necessary for a tuition fee to be copied.



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