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Pro Tip: Find Expiring/Expired Credit Cards

Tired of seeing expired credit cards decline? Before you run a batch for collecting credit card payments, you can run this report and email the families that need to update their card. This will help get your money faster. If you contact the family before the batch has been started, you’re giving them a heads up. This can save you from having to chase them down for their payment!
To get to this report, go to Reports > Family ePayment Listing. Select “Credit Card” as the ePayment Method, and select “Yes” for the expired credit cards field.

There are 2 more options that will pull ONLY those families that have a missing cc or it’s expiring within the next month:

1.) Families > Advanced Search:

unnamed (1)

2.) Families > Email/Text Families.  This one will choose all the families to email them:

unnamed (2)

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