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New Enhancements: Post Tuition Fees and Time Clock

Recent feature and functionality enhancements to the Jackrabbit System include:

1.  “Note” has been added as a field under Post Tuition Fees and Post Tuition Fees by Total Hours

A user is now able to enter a note when posting tuition fees. The note is added after any multi-class, multi-student, student fixed fee and/or family fixed fee notes. The “Note” is located under the Transaction Sub-Type:

Prior to this enhancement, you had to create a sub-type for it. For example – if you wanted to denote the month (or session) that correlated to a particular tuition fee, you would use Jan, Feb, Mar, etc. Now this is not necessary! You can enter a note when Posting Tuition Fees – which is a part of the fee visible to you and your parents.

Some of you may still choose to use the month as sub-type because you want to use the Sub-Type Listing Report for tuition fees. This is just an option for those of you who don’t want or need that.

Why is the Post Tuition Fees Note is an important enhancement?

  • Saves you set-up and maintenance time for the sub-types
  • Has fewer sub-type mis-clicks because the sub-type drop-down list will be shorter. You or your staff will be less likely to select the incorrect sub-type when posting different types of fees
  • Is a more flexible option since it can be used for any information regarding tuition
  • Can change for running PTF multiple times because of different family groups. If you bill competitive tuition separately than your recreation tuition, you can deenote competitive or recreation families or simply add different notes to each record. Allows for more information because the allowed characters increase from 50 (sub-type) to 100 (note)

2. New Tuition Defaults

A User now has the ability to enter multi-class and multi-student discounts and these will  automatically appear in PTF and PTF by Total Hours, each time a User enters those screens

There is a new User Permission which is defaulted to “On” for both existing user id’s and new user id’s.


There is a new option in the left navigation of Tools>Edit Settings. It’s called Tuition Defaults. The User will enter their standard discounts (same ones they normally enter into PTF). Once the defaults are saved, these will automatically appear in PTF and PTF by Total Hours, each time a User enters those screens.



After the defaults are saved, anytime a user goes into the PTF or PTF by Total Hours pages, the discounts appear:



3. “Independent Contractor” added to Staff “Type”

“Type” is used as a general classification for each Staff person. This is a hard coded drop-down list which means Users can’t add or edit the options. The existing options were: Full Time, Part Time and Substitute. Independent Contractors are people who perform work for the business but they are not considered employees. The drop-down list now includes this as an option.


4. Time Clock “Add Pay Period” added as a new custom option

A custom option for “Add Pay Period” has been added to allow users to enter their own Pay Period Begin/End Dates and Pay Dates for each pay period. 10 pay periods can be created at one time.



5. Reset Time Clock Password Change

When a Staff person is linked to a User ID for the Time Clock, the “Reset Time Clock Password” button and “Log In User ID” will become inactive. A linked Staff person will only use their User ID and password to access the Time Clock.





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