Social Media Tips

5 Ways to Use Facebook Live

If you’re wondering how you can use Facebook Live for your business, you’re not alone! A lot of businesses are just now trying it out – that’s part of the fun with social media. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but you do have to give it a shot!

Here are five ideas of ways you can use Facebook Live for your business:

1. Give an inside look at your business

Facebook Live is a great way to show a behind-the-scenes look at your business. Show them how you work, what the business looks like after-hours, and things they won’t see on a day-to-day basis.

This will help not only your current customers but potential customers too! It’s always great to see how a business really operates. Showing how trustworthy you and your staff are goes a log way with parents!

2. Promote an upcoming event

Events are popular on Facebook. How many events are you invited to or see that your friends are “Interested” in on your Newsfeed? The number of events shown in Newsfeeds across the board is rising. Facebook wants us to be social and get to know folks. Jump on the bandwagon and share your events on Facebook, too.

Create an event [directions here] and post on Facebook that you’ll be talking about the event at a specific time. When you’re doing the Live video, you can share the link to register in the comments.

You can also use Facebook Live to stream a live event. We’d recommend propping your phone up so it’s steady when you’re shooting these videos – especially if it’s a long one!

3. Show sneak peeks of new products

Another way to use Facebook Live is to give your fans a tease of your products. If you’ve just received a big shipment of a new product, but it’s not available yet, this would hype up your audience for the day it’s available to buy in your store. [PS – you can use Jackrabbit’s POS system to track inventory and sales in your store for free here.]

Or, are you excited about your new team apparel? Share a Facebook Live video of you opening the box and showing it off to get your students excited.

4. Answer FAQs

Social media is a huge avenue for customer service. If you have a lot of questions about your cancellation policy, registration fees, etc. this would be a good place to sort of go through some of the popular questions your front desk staff receive.

Another great way to use Facebook Live is to announce a new session for registration and go through that process with them on how to sign up, when they can sign up, etc.

5. Engage with your fans

Let loose a little and be yourself on the Facebook Live video. This will show your personality and passion for your business and teaching children. One of the best things I’ve seen on a Facebook Live video was a blind pizza brand challenge. 3 folks sat and guessed the pizza brand – it was hilarious!

People are watching 3x as much live video than native video to date. You can do this with your phone and no professional equipment! What have you done for Facebook Live at your business?

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