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4 Must-Dos on Facebook

Facebook. Everybody is on it, but everybody is not using it effectively. Make sure that you can check off every item on this list to ensure that you are getting as much traffic to your Facebook page as possible.

What do you companies do with a Facebook page? Well, sharing pictures, posting updates, polling your fans, and adding milestones is just the tip of the iceberg. All of these all add up to the one goal – to connect with others that you wouldn’t have found without Facebook. Find out who likes your company and who hasn’t liked them yet. Figure out how you can get them interested in you.

This puts us back to the basics of Facebook – setting up your page. This must be set up right to make sure these connections can be possible.

Make sure your business has a fan page – not a personal profile:

This can be an easy step to miss, but there is a huge difference. A personal profile is one that you yourself make. This is the account that you will login to Facebook with. You can add the same things to your personal profile as a fan page, but you will not get as much traffic to your page if it is a “personal profile.”

A fan page is a designed for businesses, organizations, or brands. These pages are open to the public. The biggest difference between a fan page and a profile is that the fan page collects “likes” and a profile has “friends.” Make sure that you have a fan page so that your contacts or potential customers will be able to find you.

Note: Personal profiles are managers of the fan pages. You can set up different levels and different people you are friends with to post as the page.

Customize your front door:

A fan page has two main photos – a cover photo and a profile picture. Make sure you upload a photo for both of these locations. Making sure your fan page is up to date is very important with the rise of technology and the demand for it being so high.

This is a great way to showcase your branding and get creative with it! Don’t be afraid to take a risk! Make something that will catch your audience’s eye.

Hint: The profile picture should be 180×180 pixels. The cover photo size is 851×315 pixels.

Link your Facebook page to your website (and vice versa):

Ultimately, you want the connections you make on Facebook to go to your website for more information. Maybe you have a free trial or a special deal that can only be found on your website. Getting your fans to your website is a common goal that we all have. Make sure to link your website and Facebook page up so it is easy for your fans to find. Also, it isn’t a bad idea to have a social media widget on your homepage with links to whatever social media platform your company is on. This will show the viewer that your company is up to date and that there are more ways to get connected and join a conversation with you.

Use Facebook as your page, not as yourself:

After you have set up your fan page, you have the ability to comment on the page as yourself or as the page. It sounds a little confusing at first, but here’s an example.

Try posting as your page. Notice the photo comes up on the left side of the timeline. Your most recent post will always go here. Make sure that you are using Facebook as the page. So, mine says “You are posting, commenting, and liking as Jackrabbit Software.”

Try posting as yourself. The post shows up in the right sidebar. This section is used to compile all of the recent posts by others to the page. When you are using Facebook as yourself, any posts and updates will be moved here. Keep this in mind when you are posting because you don’t want it to get lost in your other posts by others.

Are you doing everything on this checklist? Let me know if you have any questions or comments. How else do you want to use Facebook for your business?

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