Jackrabbit allows you to UNLINK payment from the fees, edit original transactions and RE-APPLY the payments. Each screen shows you the existing information and provides edit links next to each transaction. This allows you to find and select everything from one page! If you need to create an audit trail, you can enter a discount to “zero out” transactions (leaving the original fee amount) and input notes in the notes field of the transaction.
Take time to view all the information on Fees and Payments. By clicking the edit link next to the original transaction you can see the original amount, discounted amount and most importantly unapplied amount. These should all reconcile. All related fees and payments are listed and any unapplied amounts are calculated.
All information concerning these areas is found in the Jackrabbit User Guide Section on Accounting – Posting Fees and Payments. To review the way your Jackrabbit software works, download Jackrabbit’s new and improved User Guide.