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Are Swim Diapers Good Enough for Swimming Lessons?

Since swim diapers and swim pants are not waterproof, they should not be worn for swimming lessons. These items are merely water-repellent, fitting snugly around a child’s thighs and waist.

Why is this a problem?

Think about what would or could happen if a child had a bowel movement in the water. No one wants that to escape the diaper! This is not just a concern of the swim school but one for the health department.

A dirty diaper might contain diarrhea-causing germs, including the parasite cryptosporidium (which can contaminate pool water or other swimming areas.) This can cause diarrhea in otherwise healthy people and more severe consequences for people with weak immune systems.

Of course, no one wants urine to escape into the water either, but it is less risky than feces, and is difficult to detect in the water.

Children wearing diapers in pools where they are allowed should be given frequent restroom breaks and diaper changes – whether you know they have soiled the diaper or not – and should not be allowed to swim at all if they have diarrhea.

So the best thing to do is to set your policies accordingly and inform your parents so that they can be prepared appropriately for their young ones’ swim lessons and so that you can make sure that no little (or big) indiscretions happen in your pool.

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