Submit and share your ideas using the Submit Idea button.

The Power of the Submit Idea Button

You have an amazing button built into every screen of your Jackrabbit software and it can help you to become an “idea generator” who contributes to the creation of new features you see in our software by just clicking on it.

I’m talking about the Submit an Idea Button. If you’ve never used it there are a couple of things I’d like to tell you.

  1. You should use it.
  2. If you do use it, you have a direct line to contribute ideas to our development process.

You see, here at Jackrabbit, there are several things that we are fanatics about and one of them is getting your ideas and input. When the software was first developed, its original designers, thought the best way to gather input was to provide a very simple way for users to send it – no matter where they are in the software. After all, if you wait until you log out and have time to send an email, you’ve probably lost track of your great idea! So they came up with the Submit an Idea Button and placed it conveniently on every screen. And there it has stayed for all these years!

The Submit an Idea Button opens a new window in your software so you can still see the page that you are on when you have your epiphany. We want you to be as detailed as possible when you provide your idea and this helps you do that!

The Submit an Idea Button had a bit of an upgrade on its own. The button takes you to our Jackrabbit Idea Portal. The Idea Portal allows you to submit new ideas, vote and or comment on existing ideas, search ideas, and have insight in to the status of submitted ideas. With the ability to vote on existing ideas, our Product Team has a better view than ever before of what is most important to you!

East York Gymnastics and Ace All Stars Gadsden completely understand the Submit an Idea Button.

From East York, Melissa Hawrylyshyn notes: “Jackrabbit listens and cares about its customers. The consistent flow of software enhancements that improve function, usability and accuracy gives us confidence that Jackrabbit will not only be able to meet our future needs but will help educate and inspire us to grow the club. It’s also refreshing to note that these enhancements are most often initiated by us – the user – through the use of their SEND IDEA button. It simply feels like we are part of a team not just a customer.”

From Ace, J.R. Zeringe adds: “Jackrabbit’s open attitude toward user input on development is refreshing! Through the Send Idea button, we know that we’re putting our ideas directly in front of those who create new features and enhancements. We usually quickly hear back that our idea is on the development schedule.”

The Submit an Idea Button can be one of the most important buttons you can use in helping us to keep our software in sync with you and your business so that we can continue to make improvements and additions that will help you with the new challenges that you face.

Become an “idea generator”. Send your ideas for what you’d like to see the software do next. Click on the button!

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