Continuous Jackrabbit software enhancements.

Perfect Attendance Reporting Now at Your Fingertips

Our product team delivers again!

You can now run a Perfect Attendance report in Jackrabbit, whether your database is set to track attendance or absences.

One of the newest reports to Jackrabbit is the Student Attendance report. This report has been enhanced to show your Perfect Attendance students, whether you give out awards at year end or just want to acknowledge their dedication in class.

You can get to this report a few different ways:

  • Go to Reports > All Reports
  • Go to Reports > Find Reports > type ‘attendance’ for Keyword Search and hit Enter
  • Go to Reports > Families / Students Reports > Students tab

Once you have found the report, hover your mouse next to the report name and click the heart to make this a Favorite Report. Now the report will show up when you go to Reports > Favorite Reports and let’s face it…this is a favorite!

In the Student Attendance Report, select:

  1. Adjust the date range, if needed
  2. The Attendance Filter = % Attended
  3. Is equal to
  4. Enter 100
  5. Select any additional criteria if you would like to see a specific location, instructor, classes, etc.
  6. Submit

And there you have it!

If this is a report you will use often, hit Return to go back to your results page and click on Save Favorite. You can name the favorite as Perfect Attendance to make it quick and easy each time you need to run this report.

In addition to Perfect Attendance, the Student Attendance Report can show a lot of helpful information about your students, classes, and instructors. Common uses for this report other than Perfect Attendance are building efficient schedules for future sessions, gauging instructor’s success, and much more. If you haven’t checked it out yet, I encourage you do so!


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