Offering private lessons at your school or studio is a great way to increase your revenue and business value. If students have an opportunity to focus on improving a skill they are more likely to be loyal to your business.
Keeping these classes organized can be challenging, so we’d like to share two different ways to get your private lessons scheduled in Jackrabbit.
Option 1: Set times with a set instructor:
- Set up this private lesson as a new class – we recommend that you considering including the class name, time, and day and that you maintain the same format throughout.
- After the class is created, the class summary page displays. This is where details for each class are added. You’ll want to add in the day and times the private lesson will meet and assign an instructor.
- Depending on how you display classes on your website, you can have a separate section for only private lesson classes. For more information, visit
- When a student is enrolled into the class, the class name will automatically change to the student name on the weekly view. This is very helpful for glancing at the calendar and knowing what student is coming in. See the image below to see how Maddie’s private lesson is now labeled “Maddie Hides” in the weekly view.
Option 2: Flexible times with flexible instructors:
- Set up this private lesson as a new class – we recommend that you considering including the class name, time, and day and that you maintain the same format throughout. For this type of private lesson, we recommend putting ‘choose 4 classes’ in the name of the class if a parent is choosing the different times the student will have their lesson.
- After the class is created, the class summary page displays. This is where details for each class are added. You’ll want to add in the day and time this specific private lesson will meet and assign an instructor. You will need to set up a different class for each time the private lesson is offered.
- Depending on how you display classes on your website, you can have a separate section for only private lesson classes. For more information, visit
- If a student wants to register for a private lesson package that offers 4 classes for $400, you will have the class split up by day and charged at $100 per class. The parent will pick 4 times and days and enroll in each of them individually. Monitoring how many classes each student is enrolled in will be a manual process for your staff. To see an example, view the image above. These classes are labeled “Private Class – Choose 4 Classes.”
Please share any other ways you organize your private lessons in Jackrabbit!