Customer Successes

Jackrabbit’s User-Friendly System Provides Owners and Staff with Good Data for Being More Efficient

Buckeye Gymnastics

3 locations, 2500-3000 students, 60 instructors

Owner, Cathy Siedlak


Buckeye Gymnastics had outgrown their custom-written class management program so their changeover to another system required that they find a full-featured, online system with robust financials. With growth in student volume as well as location expansion in mind, Buckeye needed a system flexible and scalable enough to grow with them.


Buckeye Gymnastics believes its online registration capabilities are successful because it makes doing business with them easy and convenient for parents. However, they feel that Jackrabbit’s powerful accounting features – including its total integration with QuickBooks – makes the most difference in their daily operations. The integrated processes have improved their financial management by giving every staff member good data for being more efficient.

The mass email feature is a crucial part of their operations because it opens a line of communication with parents that is easy on staff. Having such an easy-to-use communication tool has saved parents and staff from feeling frustrated and overwhelmed when emergency situations – such as downed power lines – need to be communicated to parents at a moment’s notice.

Jackrabbit’s ease-of-use and intuitive training options make it perfect for gymnastics facilities that generally don’t employ an office manager. The gymnasts/owners running their businesses – with little technology savvy and experience – can quickly master the system.


Jackrabbit gives owners with little technology experience an easy to master system that helps them gain better control of their business.

“Online registration and payment options make our facility easy to do business with – and parents expect that. Our access to good data improves our ability to provide great customer service.”  

— Cathy Siedlak, Buckeye Gymnastics

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