Customer Successes

Jackrabbit Gives Cheer Facility Owners Convenience and Efficiency of Online Processes

Victory! Cheerleading

1 location

367 students 25 instructors

Owners, Lauren and Jason Peetz


Lauren and Jason were looking for an online solution to managing their business. They used PC-based software that was adequate but trying to combine it with Go-To-My-PC type tools to access the application from home or while traveling just didn’t work. They also had recently seen the aftermath of a complete onsite backup failure and they didn’t want to be in the position for complete data loss to happen to them.


Lauren and Jason decided Jackrabbit would do everything they needed to do now and grow with Victory! Cheerleading. Lauren and Jason can use their software from outside the office just as if they were sitting at their office PCs. Jackrabbit’s automatic payment features allows Victory! to collect tuition from credit cards on file and only deal with those that are declined. When checking in with mobile devices, Lauren and Jason can see their exact, up-to-the-minute cash flow totals. They’ve also found that using a vaulted online system is much more secure and presents far less risk to parents’ credit card and personal information.

One of Victory!’s biggest savings is using Jackrabbit’s online waivers. Parents complete waivers online releasing staff from the time-consuming task of entering data from eligible hand-writing and eliminating the need to photo copy and file 2-3 page waivers for each student in their program. The portal is also a great time-saving feature because parents do most of the work – entering and managing their account information, registrations and answering their own questions.


Jackrabbit gives Victory! Cheerleading conveniences and secure online processes that streamline their operations and secure the way they do business with parents.

“Jackrabbit makes several of our critical processes easier, quicker and safer. By automating tuition collection and providing an electronic waiver process, we’ve transformed our operations to be very professional, secure, effective and easy-to-use for staff and parents.” – Lauren Peetz | Victory! Cheerleading

“Having an automated way to collect payment is a great time-saver. So many small things add up – like multiple trips to the bank per month or even week – that it makes a significant impact to the way your work days flow.” — Lauren Peetz | Victory! Cheerleading

“There aren’t enough hours in the day anyway and much of it Lauren spent emailing parents with answers to questions about accounts. The portal has changed all of that because parents can serve themselves. Information is available whenever they want to see it.”  – Jason Peetz | Victory! Cheerleading

Photo Credit: Victory! Cheerleading

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