Energy Gymnastics shares their client success story

Jackrabbit Class is Stabilizing Factor During Changes at Energy Gymnastics

Kim Shoemaker is Energy Gymnastics’ office manager. She has learned to roll with the changes in ownership that have taken place at Energy Gymnastics. Kim ‘met’ Energy through piano lessons for her daughter, Presley, when the gym also offered music classes. Presley is still involved with classes at Energy – gymnastics classes. 

“It’s sort of funny” Kim says, “that the music activities that brought me and Presley to Energy left with the previous owners. Now I help run the office – and Presley enjoys the gymnastics classes Energy offers.” 

Kim’s story only makes sense if you know Presley’s story.

Presley had a challenging entry into the world. She was born early with a collapsed lung and some minor physical issues. But Presley, a determined eight-year-old with plenty of fight in her, wanted to do gymnastics.

According to Kim, “Gymnastics is something we thought would be too physically challenging for Presley.” After all, she had her mom-a former gymnast, college cheerleader and coach, and her sister-a level 4 state champion gymnast to look up to for inspiration. 

The proud mom noted “Presley worked hard to earn a place on a Level 3 team and has just mastered her back flip.”

Presley’s determination and positive spirit have been a force in helping her land a team spot in a sport that didn’t seem meant for her. Gymnastics has become a stabilizing factor for Presley.  

Kim’s story with Energy Gymnastics 

Kim has worked through her own challenges.

As Presley progressed with gymnastics, Kim was taking on new roles in the administrative office at Energy. Starting off as the part time office manager, Kim now does the work the business manager was handling – which is all new to her – and spending many, many hours in the office.

Of course, this is fine with Presley who would prefer to live at the gym!

“Thank goodness for Jackrabbit. The software has been the constant through the changes in ownership, class offerings, and enrollment growth that have taken place over time. All of the information is in stored in Jackrabbit – protected in the cloud and not in a notebook, on someone’s laptop or in one person’s head. So regardless of physical factors, I can still manage classes, students, parent needs and questions – and now billing and financial tasks.”

What are Energy Gymnastics’s immediate wins with Jackrabbit?

  • Jackrabbit’s automation allows staff to multitask throughout the day

  • Jackrabbit’s support resources and team helped expedite getting started 

  • Jackrabbit’s all-in-one business solution gave flexibility to work anywhere, anytime

  • Jackrabbit’s ease of use helped stabilize operations in the office

“Basically, I started using Jackrabbit by simply entering a family in the software. My questions were answered using the helpful videos and live support options Jackrabbit has available. No question is too simple or issue too complex to be resolved so I can get my work done. Jackrabbit understands that Energy Gymnastics’ priority is teaching students and they make sure that we can keep our focus on that.”

Benefits of using a good class management software 

Jackrabbit Class is cloud-based so users can work from anywhere. With safe and reliable access to data, class management software makes accomplishing all your needs in one single location easy. Automation drives efficiency in the areas that users appreciate most: billing, enrolling in classes, emailing, and reporting to name a few. Data and processes are stabilized so that operations are accessible, efficient, accurate and secure regardless of who is managing administrative roles.   

How does Jackrabbit help Energy Gymnastics? 

Jackrabbit is helpful because it has:

  • Intuitiveness
  • Usability
  • A large network of integration partners 
  • Stellar client services
  • Great training tools
  • Security and stability
  • All the features needed to run do business

“One of the reasons that I can handle multiple roles at Energy is Jackrabbit. The cloud access, billing features and en masse capabilities of the software, enable me to multitask. I can set off complete processes with a click, turn activities like enrolling in classes over to parents and pull in-depth reports for the owners in seconds.”  

Ready to write your own story with Jackrabbit Class? Start your 30-day trial today!

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