With 2014 in full swing, the coldest winter months are here! I’m sure you haven’t missed flu season, but it’s back. Your students need healthy bodies to be able to perform and of course you don’t want to catch the flu and have to stay home either.
Here are some other tips on how to stay healthy during the flu season:
- Get a flu shot – It’s not too late to get the shot and is a good preventative measure. You can easily get vaccinated at a local pharmacy or health center.
- Practice good coughing- Flu germs can spread up to 6 feet through coughs and sneezes! Teach your staff and students [maybe even parents] to cover their mouth and nose with a tissue and then throw it away.
- Keep hands and shared objects or surfaces clean – Hand-washing is most important during this time of the year. Flu viruses can live up to 8 hours on surfaces, so make sure your facility is clean. The EPA has a list of disinfectants that are effective against the flu.
- Bundle up with layers – When your body feels cold, your immune system is vulnerable. Stay warm with layers and extra accessories on your head or hands to keep your body protected as much as you can.
- Increase your Vitamin C and Zinc intake – These can help boost your immune system and help fight off the flu germs. Eating more food with these vitamins is an easy way to get them in your body.
- If you’re sick, stay at home – If you are getting flu symptoms, don’t wait until you know you have it to stay home. The more the flu can be controlled the better. Stay in one area of your home so your family or roommates don’t get the germs.
- Get good nutrition, moderate exercise, and adequate rest. This will help optimize the immune system. Dehydration weakens our body, so make sure you are drinking fluids. Even if you don’t feel like it, exercise is a great way to stay healthy.
With these tips, you can still enjoy the cold winter months! The key is prevention, so as long as you take good care of your body and you’ll be fine. Do you have any personal tips that we forgot to mention?