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Are you a 20%er? Don’t be a Statistic

Technology can be overwhelming! You’re not alone if you feel that you use only a small portion of your software system features.

In fact, Standish Group* research indicates that most folks only use 20% of their software’s features and never use 45% of the features offered. This research includes all types of software across all types of businesses! (*The Standish Group is a research and analysis group that focuses on technology.)

Businesses today must maximize every investment they make – including their technology investments. When you install or implement any type of system, you do so for a reason – usually to obtain the ability to do a specific or a few specific tasks. You may rush to perfect your use of a fee posting system or enrollment feature, yet leave very powerful automation – like automatic payment set-up – for later since it isn’t “a necessity” to charge your fees.

Value adding features that may not be quite as familiar to you at first are important and can help you make the most of your technology investment. These features can also turn your company into a technology-enabled powerhouse!


These statistics don’t mean that you should be satisfied with being in the “norm.”

But if you’re like most owners, you just don’t have the time to experiment with features or watch videos so you can learn something new or become comfortable with processes that are less familiar.


Wouldn’t it be amazing …
-To have an expert walk through your software system with you?
-To help you get a better grip on the “other” features that you could be getting lots of value from?
-To help you to better understand where the really cool features are?
-To show you how to get started with them?

This valuable guidance is available!

Jackrabbit doesn’t leave you in the dark. By offering utilization reviews to customers, Jackrabbit gives you quick assessments of other features that can help you the most with your business and even offer tips and tricks to help you get more from the features you’re already using.

You can also learn more about the features you know and the ones you don’t by taking advantage of:

Jackrabbit Getting Started Webinars – These one-hour webinars are designed to get you up to speed on key features of the system so that you can be more efficient and work smarter, not harder.

Jackrabbit Classroom Training – Training is often provided on-site in several ways: Jackrabbit Basics classes at our headquarters in Charlotte, two times a year at our user conferences held in locations convenient for both east and west coast users, Beyond the Basics trainings offered in popular cities across the US, and as special engagements for customers at their locations. These classroom-style sessions are offered at very reasonable prices and enable users to become even sharper with their Jackrabbit skills than they could via online videos and Jumpstart Calls.

Jackrabbit Jumpstart Calls – These calls are your chance to clear up any questions about the system after you have had a chance to watch our Getting Started Video and try the steps in your database.

Jackrabbit Training Videos – A comprehensive set of videos covers all key components and functions of the Jackrabbit system in a format that you can access whenever you want as many times as you want.


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